Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My husband mentioned last night that he had an idea for our yard. He explained it in great detail and he knows exactly what it is going to look like in his head. Great for him, not so much for me. I'm a very visual person and have an extremly hard time visualizing large finished projects. The part I was able to picture was the beer garden.

Nope, this isn't the same type of beer garden that that your county fair has. Completly different.....sort of. My husband explained that he wanted to make a beer garden out of tin cans for our yard. A little redneck but it totaly fits the out door space where the garden is going to be. The crafty side of my brain took over.....off to Pinterest I went. Too bad Pinterest didn't really show what I was looking for. However, Google was able to lead me to a couple very good ideas that I think we can implement quite easily.

Crissy's Craft had a wonderful step by step tutorial on how to turn tin cans into flowers. Let me tell you, there is no way you would have suspected those were tin cans when she was done with them.

Another genious idea came from A Bird in the Hand Art. Here they show you how to turn bottle caps into flower petals. Something tells me that after all the BBQs here this summer we are going to have plenty of bottle caps for these flowers.

What do you think? Beer garden idea good or bad? Would you have a beer garden in your yard?

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